
Friday, June 25, 2010

June Photo Updates

June 2010 - Tray #3

My smile during aligner #3
(June 2010)

The top view of my teeth, notice the rotation of my
 front teeth. They've been pushed in as well.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My first filling & other surprises.

June 11th, 2010 - Today was slightly stressful, and little did I know I had a surprise waiting for me....

Well as mentioned today I had my appointment for my very first filling. Certainly I was nervous, which I made sure everyone at the dentist's office aware of!!!  But it went by super smoothly.

First, my boyfriend went to get his done (he had to replace 3 older fillings and got a new one), originally his appointment was suppose to last about an hour due to all the work required. Lucky for him it only took 30 minutes! I have to admit I laughed my ass off when I saw him enter the waiting room; his mouth was partially frozen, so he talked funny and he couldn't move his lip properly on the left side (it was a great afternoon, watching him!).

Next, it was my turn to get my filling done. I am sure everyone knows the procedure for this but I'll discuss it a little, from my experience. Since this was my VERY first filling EVER, I YouTube'd the procedure to get a better idea of what was involved, and luckily I wasn't too freaked out by it. Honestly, what I was most nervous about was the needle that numbs the work area. That being said, once it came around, it was a cinch! I felt nothing during the whole procedure, and seriously speaking it took about 1 minute to fully complete. I probably hold the fastest filling time ever!!! After the filling was complete she showed me the before and after pictures of my cavity infected tooth. Amazing! I'm just glad she didn't fill my tooth with metal, so it doesn't even show that I have a cavity! Awesome! 

Just to add a small note about the numbing cream and shot; I didn't feel as though I was frozen nor numb. Don't get me wrong, I did not feel a thing during the whole procedure, but I didn't have the classic droopy face and numbness at all. Truthfully I was disappointed.

Once all the cavity filling fun stuff was done, she told me she wanted to examine my front top teeth, which she proceeded to do. She then told me she was going to "polish" my front top teeth. She instructs me to keep my mouth open as wide as I can and to keep my tongue at the back of my mouth. What happens next, I would NOT call polishing!!!!! She starts to shave the gaps between my teeth. OH MY GOD!!! I knew I would eventually have to get this done, it's part of the invisalign program, but holy hell, I had no idea it was going to be part of today's appointment!!! Polishing to me does not mean grinding away my teeth in order to increase the space between my teeth. It hurt. In total she "polished" 6 gaps, each of which hurt. Not the end of the world type pain, but enough to shock me.

After all that polishing was over, she proceeded to give me my next 2 sets of aligners (set 5-6). By the way, she cancelled my next invisalign appointment (which was July 9th) and pushed it to the beginning of August instead. So now I have in my possession sets 3-6. Set # 3 is the one I am switching to tonight after supper.

Side Note:
I will upload pictures of my new gaps and what my teeth look like after my appointment and set #2 this weekend.